Does life end inevitably or instead only because we don’t understand biology well enough yet? Today’s episode is about understanding what happens when your molecular cycles grind to a halt… and whether there’s anything we can do to hit control-Z. Join Eagleman and his guest Dr. Zvonimir Vrselja to dive into the weird possibility of understanding cells well enough to reverse death.

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More Information:

Vrselja Z, Daniele SG, Silbereis J, Talpo F, Morozov YM, Sousa AM, Tanaka BS, Skarica M, Pletikos M, Kaur N, Zhuang ZW. Restoration of brain circulation and cellular functions hours post-mortem. Nature. 2019 Apr 18;568(7752):336-43.

Andrijevic D, Vrselja Z, Lysyy T, Zhang S, Skarica M, Spajic A, Dellal D, Thorn SL, Duckrow RB, Ma S, Duy PQ. Cellular recovery after prolonged warm ischaemia of the whole body. Nature. 2022 Aug 11;608(7922):405-12.

Cornwall, W (2023). Frozen in Time. Science, Vol 380, Issue 6652.

Gilbert M, Busund R, Skagseth A, Nilsen PÅ, Solbø JP. Resuscitation from accidental hypothermia of 13.7°C with circulatory arrest. The Lancet. 2000 Jan 29;355(9201):375-6.


"David Eagleman may be the best combination of scientist and fiction-writer alive."
- Stewart Brand
"A popularizer of impressive gusto...[Eagleman] aims, grandly, to do for the study of the mind what Copernicus did for the study of the stars."
- New York Observer
"David Eagleman is the kind of guy who really does make being a neuroscientist look like fun."
- New York Times
"What Eagleman seems to be calling for is a new Enlightenment."
- Sunday Herald
"David Eagleman offers startling lessons.... His method is to ask us to cast off our lazy commonplace assumptions.
- The Guardian
"[A] neuroscientist and polymath."
- Wall Street Journal
"Eagleman has a talent for testing the untestable, for taking seemingly sophomoric notions and using them to nail down the slippery stuff of consciousness."
- The New Yorker